
Industry News

An image of two people walking down a row of stored stock in a warehouse

Selling Your Electronic Excess in 2024

A rebound is coming for the electronic components market, but excess inventory will remain a challenge through the first half of 2024. Now is the best time to clear excess electronic components from your warehouse.

An image of the U.S. House of Congress

Semiconductor Industry News - December 2023 Update

Updates on the semiconductor industry

An image of a cell tower from a ground view

The Evolution of 5G and the Upcoming Utilization of 6G

Has 5G technology delivered on its promises or will upcoming sixth generation cellular tech have to step up to the plate? Let's find out.

An image of cars parked and lined up

Listening Vehicles: The Development of Acoustic Sensors in Vehicles

Hearing cars? Acoustic sensors are being implemented in vehicles to increase the safety advanced driver assistance systems provide, let's take a closer look at the inventory and price trends for these critical components.

An image of a stethoscope on a tablet screen

How Medical Automation is Changing Healthcare

Automation is on the rise in every market sector, including healthcare. The benefits that come from incorporating advanced technology and artificial intelligence in medicine are immense, no matter the level of automation.

An image of wind turbines

The Growing Importance of Electrification and Renewables

As energy prices climb interest in electrification and renewable energy continues to grow globally.

An illustration representing a digital chip and circuit board

Sourcengine’s Tech Angle: What is Web3 and How Does it Affect Electronic Components?

The World Wide Web has gone through many iterations, but what is Web3 and how does it differ from the popular metaverse? What does a new web mean for electronic components? Let's find out.

Graphic that shows excess on calculator

How and Why to Sell Excess Electronic Components Online

Excess electronic component excess is reaching its peak, here is the best way to mitigate your growing surplus stock.

Sourcengine's lead time report graphic for Q3 2023

Sourcengine Q3 2023 Lead Time Report Highlights

Time to discuss lead time and price trends in the electronic components market for the coming quarter in our Q3 2023 Lead Time Report!

An artistic depiction of AI

Sourcengine’s Tech Angle: The Rise of Generative AI

Generative artificial intelligence is the rising star of 2023, but what propelled it to this level of popularity and why?