Indoor lighting has come a long way since candles and gas lamps. Far are we from the days of a simple light bulb that puts off more heat than light, and those that adopt light-emitting diodes (LEDs) over fluorescent bulbs are unwilling to look back. Modern-day interior lights are now equipped with sensors and can display various colors at different strengths depending on the user’s requirements.
Besides energy efficiency and cost-savings, LEDs are currently the best lighting technology on the market today. Their small size and increased functionality make them optical for numerous applications. Indoor lighting, however, is where they really “shine.” Lighting has evolved beyond the aspect of brightness. There are several factors taken into consideration when utilizing a product.
Viewing angle, dimming capability, color variety, smart controls, cost and energy efficiency, and health benefits are a few factors considered when choosing a specific lighting set-up. The history of light technology is instrumental in the development of society. It’s one of the reasons that smart cities begin their development through smart streetlighting above any other tech—the same for homes. To create a more interconnected home, you start with light.
The History of Smart Lighting
From torches to LEDs, light is a vital component of everyday life. It provides warmth, security, visibility, and, most importantly, one of the most significant cultural accomplishments of the human species. We can thank lighting for the evolution of modern-day society. Fire, our original light source, was primarily used for toolmaking and hunting during humanity’s beginning. As we grew, so did our needs and, with them, new ways to utilize light.
The oil lamp was developed around 4000 B.C., followed by early versions of the candle in 3000 B.C. Eventually, as cities rose, fell, and rose again, lighting saw another avenue of growth in 1417 when the mayor of London ordered lanterns to be hung outside during the dark winter evenings. By 1807 during the rising use of coal gas, lighting saw a significant development with the first public streetlight in London. By 1858 coal gas-powered streetlights could be found all over Britain, North America, and Europe.
Before indoor lighting, homes were usually lit by fires, meaning most activities were done around the fireplace. Candles and oil lamps provided some light, but illuminating objects more than arm’s length was abysmal. Depending on a homeowner's wealth, the indoor candles could come in beeswax for the rich or the fast-burning smelly animal fat for the disadvantaged. Even with powerful streetlights illuminating the walkways, the home was a different story. The gas lamps that lit the way home were far more dangerous and dirtier indoors. Likewise, the powerful streetlights were far too bright for indoor use. A less powerful but equally efficient light source was needed for indoor lighting applications.
Thomas Edison’s lightbulb in 1896 was not the first electric bulb to be made. Humphry Davy invented the first “electric light” in 1802, and Joseph Wilson Swan created the first light bulb in 1850. Unlike Davy and Swan, Edison could mass manufacture his incandescent light bulb after purchasing a patent from Arturo Malignani. These bulbs could last 800 hours on a filament made from Tungsten. In 1904 Sandor Just and Franjo Hanaman added gas to improve efficiency and would do so until 1964.
Beyond the advent of streetlights, lighting has branched off and grown within numerous industries. These developments, however, could only have been accomplished with the introduction of LEDs. While automotive lighting and streetlighting were progressing before the advent of LEDs, recent leaps in their capabilities have only come thanks to the aid of LEDs. While the adoption of LEDs in some areas, such as automotive, had been slow initially, it is quickly becoming the dominant lighting technology on the market.
The smart lighting market, a recent development in lighting thanks to the growing use of sensors alongside microcontrollers and microprocessors for more intelligent use. In 2020, 47% of U.S. households adopted LEDs for indoor lighting. Between 2017 and 2035, LED lighting is expected to save users annually $890 billion. Over 2023-2028, smart lighting is expected to have a CAGR of 20.2%, thanks to the fast shift from conventional lighting to linked lighting technologies. The prevalence of smart cities also contributes to that increase as smart lighting, especially streetlighting, is foundational to its establishment.
As LEDs' and smart applications' benefits become more widely known, adoption rates will only increase.
Smart LED Lighting Benefits
When discussing the difference between LED and conventional lighting, the benefits of the former easily outweigh any perks the latter offers. LED based bulbs are one of the most popular smart bulbs for their easy installation, low operating costs and increased integration of wireless control. LEDs have a lifetime of over 50,000 hours. Smart LEDs used to be prohibitively expensive, but continued manufacturing optimization has driven prices down. While LED based bulbs may still cost more than conventional bulbs, their lower operating costs make them more cost effective over time.
LEDs use up to 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs usually produce more heat than light per volt, thereby using more energy to operate. LEDs utilize more energy per volt by producing less heat. The less energy used; the more users save on costs.
A second benefit is operating efficiently within cold conditions. Other conventional lighting methods, such as fluorescent lights, need more energy to operate and freezing conditions usually impact their performance. In contrast to LEDs, incandescent bulbs and other traditional lighting systems allocate 10% of their energy to light production. The other 90% of the energy used is produced as heat. Since LEDs have virtually no heat, most light they emit is within the visible spectrum.
As a result, many LEDs are better at customization and dimming controls through their functional designs. Their smaller size than traditional bulbs make them the go-to for several lighting applications, from indicator lights to computer screen displays. They can produce various colors, including natural sunlight, with medical experts keen to explore LEDs for patients suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
LEDs are notoriously eco-friendly thanks to their mercury-free manufacturing processes compared to fluorescents. Fluorescent lighting utilizes mercury internally during construction, along with mercury vapor lights. Once they die, special handling is required to dispose of them. LEDs don’t have the same problem. LEDs are also safer in the event of different environmental risks.
Since LEDs do not produce a lot of heat, they can be incased and sealed thereby allowing them to be used in areas prone to flooding and other outdoor applications, such as underwater lights in pools. If the LED bulbs were to be exposed to water, there is far less risk of harmful, or even fatal, electric shock occurring. You can thank their low voltage requirements for that.
Beyond preventing dangerous accidents, a 2017 study showed how companies that implemented LED lighting systems provided better visual comfort-working environments for their staff. The study noted that implementing smart LED lighting systems decreased energy consumption by 60%-70% and satisfied the “visual comfort” of the occupants. Something that users of smart home lighting are using to help improve health through preprogrammed routines that can mimic daylight and soft night light depending on user needs. With more people staying home during the Covid-19 pandemic, many shifted to embracing smart home lighting.
Lastly, LEDs are quickly becoming one of the prime purveyors of smart lighting applications compared to other bulbs. Thanks to their small size and low power it is far easier to integrate sensors, microprocessors, and other components into their design. The only big decision to make is how to begin incorporating them into your products.
Edison Opto’s Smart Lighting: The DOB III Series
Starting with the best is essential to start on the right foot. Edison Opto is a leading global optoelectronics manufacturer that has spent the last 20 years researching, producing, and distributing high-power LEDs. Edison has become the preferred partner of numerous branded lighting manufacturers with its robust portfolio of LED components, modules, FPCs, and more.
Edison continues to strive for innovative lighting solutions that boast high quality and efficiency for its products and processes. This is seen in Edison’s DOB III Modules, which include its D34 Series, D38 Series, D47 Series, D57 Series, D60 Series, and D90Series.
Each product holds a NO photo-biological hazard rating of RG1 in compliance with IEC62471. This is a measure of spectral irradiance and hazards to the skin and front surfaces of the eye when exposed to specific lighting appliances. Each product holds a NO photo-biological hazard rating of RG1 in compliance with IEC62471. A rating of RG1 means low to no risk when exposed to a light performing within normal range. You can rest easy knowing any indoor lighting solution in the DOB III Series provides safe light in contrast to conventional fluorescent bulbs that can cause headaches from prolonged exposure.
Edison’s DOB III D47 Series has a light-emitting surface (LES) diameter of 16mm with uniform dimming capabilities. They come in either 8-watt or 10-watt power capabilities with a flux range between 720 to 950, depending on the DOB III D47 component. Their dimming function is controlled through TRAIC to easily manage and customize how dim users want their lights to be. This series includes parts 5DATCN8012082704, 5DATCN8012084004, and 5DATCN901285704. These components can be used in spot light, down light, and PAR Lamp applications.
Edison’s DOB III D57 Series are chip-on-board (COB) type technology, like the D47 Series, with a larger LES diameter of 18mm. Edison’s D57 Series has uniform full dimming capabilities controlled through TRAIC, with an additional feature with wire push-in connectors. The D57 Series comes in two power versions, 15-watt, and 20-watt. The 15-watt variations of the D57 Series include 5DATCN9023156505, 5DATCN8023153005, and 5DATCN9023152705. These components can be used in spot light, down light, PAR Lamp, and track light applications.
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Where to Begin Your Smart Lighting Integration
Sourcengine is your global digital marketplace of choice, with over 3,500 suppliers contributing to over 1 billion part offers readily available on its site. With a worldwide supply chain of warehouses and team members, it doesn’t matter where you can always source your much-needed components through us. That includes our world-class quality management system so you can always order with confidence knowing each part you purchase goes through rigorous testing before arriving at your facilities.
As Edison Opto’s franchise partner, Sourcengine’s engineering experts can provide front-to-end service on your products utilizing Edison components. Our team will work with you to help design an innovative product that reaches the market faster through our design-in services and technical support. It doesn’t matter what stage of development you’re in. Our team is ready to jump in with cutting-edge solutions to keep your project agile and competitive.
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